Warriors In The Criminal Defense Arena

Swift And Effective Defense Against Sex Crime Allegations

Sex crimes, and the people under investigation for and charged with them, are particularly stigmatized in the criminal justice system. These cases involve very complex factors, and while time is of the essence in any criminal case, it is particularly important in sex crime cases. It is imperative that, if you are charged with a sex crime, you start building your defense early.

Our entire team has experience helping individuals who have been accused of sexual offenses, including cases that present with mental health complications as mitigation.

For more on how we can craft unique strategies to incorporate into your defense or the defense of a loved one, call us in Baton Rouge at 225-383-3644 or complete our contact form. The criminal defense attorneys at Longman Jakuback represent clients throughout Louisiana.

Understanding The Sex Offender Registry

Registration on the Sex Offender Registry is often a requirement for individuals who are convicted of or plead guilty to sex offenses. Adhering to all of the requirements of the registry is frustrating, expensive, and confusing — one mistake can easily get registrants into legal trouble for non-compliance. Courts have held time and again that the registry is non-punitive, but the reality is that time spent on the registry is a punishment in and of itself.

At Longman Jakuback, our attorneys are skilled at assessing cases for possible success in filing a Petition for Removal from the Sex Offender Registry. If you or a loved one is interested in filing this petition, contact us today for a free consultation regarding your post-conviction options.

Request Your Free Consultation

Longman Jakuback is located in Baton Rouge and defends the rights of clients throughout Louisiana. For a free and confidential consultation, call us at 225-383-3644 or complete our contact form. We have devoted our careers to the defense of the accused, the marginalized, and the imprisoned. We want to help you, too.