Warriors In The Criminal Defense Arena

Protect Your Rights And Freedom: Hire A Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney In Baton Rouge

If you’re facing criminal charges, hiring a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney in Baton Rouge could mean the difference between freedom and a conviction.

The United States was founded on principles of freedom, liberty and the presumption of innocence. No one should be considered guilty before they’re given a chance to mount a defense to protect their basic rights and freedoms.

At Longman Jakuback, our criminal defense lawyers are here to help you do that.

Don’t Wait. Contact A Criminal Defense Lawyer As Soon As Possible

There is never a right time to hire a criminal defense lawyer — if you need to, you are going through the worst time of your life. There is, however, a wrong time. If you have waited until after you say the words “not guilty,” you have waited much too long.

People accused of crimes are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, it is all too common for prosecutors, the media and public perception to convict people before they even see the inside of a courtroom. Individuals who have been arrested, who have been contacted by law enforcement or who are in the midst of a criminal investigation already have a ticking clock going. Whether you are facing criminal charges or have just found out that you are under investigation, it is vital that you select the right defense team to represent you immediately. Any accusation, no matter how trivial, can quickly turn into a complex criminal charge.

For a free and confidential consultation, call us at 225-383-3644 or complete our contact form. We represent clients throughout Louisiana.

How We Can Help

Whether you are charged in Louisiana state court, a city court or a federal court, Longman Jakuback is the criminal defense firm to represent you. As soon as you become our client, Attorneys Jacob Longman and Kathryn Jakuback Burke begin developing an individualized case strategy that is tailored to steer your defense toward a successful outcome.

Working alongside a handpicked defense team, our criminal defense attorneys utilize investigators, legal research, case strategy and specialists to deliver creative and successful resolutions in even the most difficult cases. Our firm’s winning record is the result of our ability to make complicated factual scenarios understandable to any judge, jury or prosecutor.

Should your case go to trial, our defense attorneys excel at making your side of the story heard by a jury of your peers. We have the confidence, experience and willingness to stand up and fight for the rights of the accused, no matter the type of case and no matter the odds. Going to trial can be one of the scariest times of your life — at Longman Jakuback, you will never go through those moments alone.

From domestic violence to Medicaid fraud, our firm represents clients facing a wide range of criminal charges. Contact us today if you are facing any of the following:

We explore every available option for helping our clients, including defense counsel in grand jury investigations, as well as mitigation strategies for avoiding jail time. Let us help tell your side of the story.

Schedule a Free Consultation

To arrange a free initial consultation, please call us at 225-383-3644 or complete our contact form. We are a dedicated team of criminal defense lawyers representing clients in Baton Rouge and throughout Louisiana.