Baton Rouge Fraud Attorney
Fraud charges often rely on circumstantial evidence, but a strong defense can show the real story. There are severe consequences for getting convicted of fraud, and no one should go through it alone. Keep your future open by working with a Baton Rouge fraud lawyer.

Committed to Justice
Fraud charges can upend your life. Our criminal defense firm, based in Baton Rouge, has built a reputation for straight talk and tough defense. The attorneys at Longman Jakuback give honest assessments of our client’s situations. Fraud cases need fast action and smart methods because the stakes are high.
Types of Fraud Cases
Fraud cases all share similarities, but there are important differences that could affect your case. The most common types of fraud charges include:
- Bank fraud: Individuals who engage in bank fraud use fake information or deceive employees and customers to receive money, credit, or loans from a bank. To do this, people forge checks, lie on loan applications, or even use fake identities to open accounts. Depending on the scale of the situation, consequences can come from both the state of Louisiana and the federal government.
- Wire fraud: If fraud is committed through electronic communication like phone calls, emails, or texts, it is considered wire fraud. Common tricks include online scams, phishing schemes, and fake business transactions. Since wire fraud usually involves communication between several states, it is usually handled by a federal court.
- Identity theft: It is, unfortunately, common for someone to steal another’s private information like Social Security numbers or bank details. This crime leads to financial losses for victims and harsh penalties for offenders.
- Insurance fraud: Some people submit false claims to an insurance company for financial gain. This happens in personal injury cases where people exaggerate injuries as well as fake car accidents or property damage. If an insurance company finds out that this was done fraudulently, it could result in fines, paying back the company, or even jail time.
- Securities fraud: Securities are meant to protect investors from significant financial losses. A business owner commits securities fraud if they falsify financial statements or manipulate the market to make investors think the company is performing differently than it is. This charge applies to corporate executives, stockbrokers, and financial advisors who deceive investors for profit.
Regardless of the type of fraud, prosecutors can gather evidence to prove it, like emails, bank statements, and past transactions. Most importantly, the prosecution has to prove that the accused was not acting in good faith.
Legal Defenses Against Fraud Charges in Baton Rouge
A strong defense can challenge the prosecution’s case by attacking weak evidence, questioning intent, and exposing errors they might have made throughout the case. Different defenses apply depending on the facts.
- Lack of intent is one of the most effective defenses: Fraud requires someone to deceive people deliberately, and a person cannot be convicted of fraud for making a mistake or misunderstanding financial concepts. If it can be proven that an error was unintentional, it can lead to a dismissal or reduced charges.
- Not enough evidence is another common defense: The prosecution has to prove fraud occurred beyond a reasonable doubt, and if important evidence is missing, the case might not hold up. Evidence can be challenged with the help of a defense attorney. They can also work to find witnesses and professionals who can testify in support of you and your intentions.
- If law enforcement pressures someone to commit fraud, this is considered entrapment: Investigators who manipulate people into illegal activity could be punished by getting their charges dropped. At the same time, someone else could have committed fraud with your personal information. A Baton Rouge Fraud Lawyer can argue that the real deceiver is still unidentified.
What Do I Do If I’m Charged With Fraud in Baton Rouge
It’s important to act quickly to prevent severe penalties. Do not speak with law enforcement without an attorney because you might unknowingly self-incriminate yourself. Hire a Baton Rouge Fraud attorney as soon as possible so they can request documents and educate you on how to conduct yourself during interviews.
FAQs About Baton Rouge Fraud Laws
A: The types of fraud in Baton Rouge include a wide range of offenses. Each type of fraud carries legal consequences that vary based on the amount of money stolen, how the deception was carried out, and whether the accused has prior offenses. Bank fraud is committed against financial institutions, while wire fraud takes place either online or over the phone. Identity theft is when someone uses another person’s information for financial gain.
A: Fraud is proven when prosecutors show the accused committed fraud intentionally and deceived people to do it. To prove this, they can use financial records, emails, phone calls, and witness testimony. Prosecutors can bring in professionals to testify about financial transactions and forms of more complicated evidence. Sometimes, circumstantial evidence might even be allowed, like sudden windfalls or discrepancies in documents and records.
A: If someone is under investigation for fraud, they should avoid speaking with investigators before seeing an attorney. Law enforcement is free to record what you say to use in court later. The earlier you find an attorney, the more protected you are against self-incrimination and subpoenas or document requests. Acting out of fear and destroying or altering documents can lead to obstruction charges.
A: A person can be charged with fraud if there is obvious intent behind their actions. A simple mistake like filling out a form incorrectly is not enough for a conviction unless it can be proven that it was done on purpose. Errors in financial documents can lead to an audit or penalties, but usually not criminal charges unless it is intentional.
Schedule a Free Consultation With Longman Jakuback
Fraud cases are often built on documents and a hunch, but this is not proof. An effective legal defense team can challenge these documents to prevent the prosecution from controlling the results. These types of charges need as strong of a defense as possible. Schedule a consultation with Longman Jakuback to see what types of defense options fit your case.