Will a drug conviction jeopardize your financial aid?

On Behalf of Longman Jakuback

You may fear that the drug convictions on your record will impact your educational opportunities in Louisiana. Federal student aid, in particular, may play a crucial role in your ability to afford higher education.

While drug convictions formerly impacted FAFSA eligibility, the requirements have changed. Now, even with a drug conviction, your eligibility status will remain unchanged.

Navigating your past

Despite the changes to FAFSA eligibility requirements, you may still need to answer questions about your criminal past on an application for student aid. According to the official website for Federal Student Aid, if you respond “yes” to havingdrug convictions, you will receive an additional worksheet to fill out. You will need to honestly complete the worksheet, but your answers will not impact your eligibility.

If your convictions resulted in incarceration, your eligibility may change. Make sure you understand the type of conviction you have so you can have a clearer picture of how it could impact your educational opportunities.

Preparing your future

Getting an education is an excellent way to regain control of your life and identify your goals for the future. Recognizing that your past does not have to define your life can motivate you to keep moving forward. If your past educational experiences or criminal convictions prevent you from getting into the institution of your choice, consider starting your journey at a community college or online institution. When you reach a point where you have established your educational intentions, you may consider transferring to a different institution.

You may also consider working with an attorney to help you navigate your convictions. Having a good legal defense can help you protect your rights and hopefully limit the impact of past actions on your future.

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